Past Grantees
CTAL occasionally offers grant funding opportunities for instructors to develop their teaching, improve existing courses, develop new courses, evaluate instruction, and assess curricular needs. In such cases special calls are opened in response to strategic priorities. To view CTAL’s current funding opportunities, please visit our main Grants Page.
- 2001-2002
- 2002-2003
- 2003-2004
- 2004-2005
- 2005-2006
- 2006-2007
- 2007-2008
- 2008-2009
- 2009-2010
- 2010-2011
- 2011-2012
- 2012-2013
- 2013-2014
- 2014-2015
- 2015-2016
- 2016-2017
- 2017-2018
- 2018-2019
- 2019-2020
- Deborah Allen and Steven Fifield (Biological Sciences): Biology in a Community Context
- Deborah Andrews (English): Design and Assessing an Audience Module in Capstone Courses
- Marisa de los Santos and David Teague (English): Working Women
- Farley Grubb (Economics), Roger Horowitz (History), Vivian Klaff (Sociology), Mark Miller (Political Science & International Relations), and Eda Schreuder (Geography): Perspectives on Migration
- Bill Idsardi (Linguistics): LING101 Team Proposal
- Calvin Keeler, Martin Lo, and William Saylor (Animal and Food Sciences):
Mastering the Freshman Year Course - Shuaib Meacham (Education): Hip Hop Journeys
- Clyde Moneyhun (English): Creative Synergy with English 110 and LIFE Clusters
Grant Awards with focus on technology
- Douglas Buttrey and Ian Hall (Chemical Engineering): Telepresence Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Classroom
- Robert Neeves and Michele Provost-Craig (Health and Exercise Sciences): An Innovative Approach to Anatomy and Physiology Instruction and Learning Through the Use of Plastinated Models and Computerized, Interactive, Problem-Based Learning Modules
- George Watson (Physics & Astronomy), Araya Debessay (Accounting), Carol Denson (Consumer Studies), and Beth Haslett (Communication): Wireless Technology for Collaborative Learning
- Raymond Nichols (Art): Timelines (delivery of historical images sequenced by varied databases for instruction in history and art)
- Lloyd Shorter (Music): Internet 2 in Arts and Humanities (use of Internet 2 technology to bring the creative arts into the classroom)
- Christine Kydd and Diane Ferry (Business Administration): Exploring Business Issues and Decision-Making in High Tech Fields Using Video conferenceing and Electronic Meeting Tool
- Patricia Barber (Food and Resource Economics): Leadership Skills for Career and Technical Educators
- John Bartley (Biology, Parallel Program): Environments and Cultures in Conflict
- Stephen Bernhardt (English): Developing Case Based Materials for Technical Writing Instruction
- Philip Goldstein (University Parallel Program): Values and the Community: Art, Courts, The Media, Politics, Schools, Sports
- Robert Hodson and Steven Skopik (Biological Sciences): Networked Microscopy for the Introductory Biology Laboratory
- Elizabeth Orsega-Smith (Health and Exercise Sciences): Wellness Into the 21st Century
- Deborah Steinberger (Foreign Languages and Literatures): French Theatre Workshop
- Raymond Wolters and Erica Armstrong (History) and Carole Marks (Black American Studies): American Race Relations
Grant Awards with focus on technology
- Adam Marsh, Marine Studies and Brian Bahnson (Chemistry & Biochemistry): 3D Visualization of Macromolecules for Effective Instruction of Protein Structure/Function and Biochemical Evolution
- Carmine Balascio (Bioresources Engineering): Use of CAPA, an Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN) Tool, for Homework Problem Assignments in Engineering Technology Courses
- Larry Purnell (Nursing): Using Palm Pilots to Enhance Student Learning in Telehealth
- Rebecca Worley and Deborah Andrews (English): Writing, Structuring, and Designing Information for Screen Display Using Web Development Software
- James Raths (Education) and Belinda Orzada (Consumer Studies): Electronic Portfolios as a Vehicle for Student Growth
- James Hoffman and John Whalen (Psychology): Watch the Brain in Action: High Density ERP Recording as an Arena for Learning about Cognitive Neuroscience
- Margaret Andersen and Joel Best (Sociology): Creating an Active Learning Environment in Large Introductory Courses
- Michael Arenson (Music): Development of a Web-based Remedial Music Theory/Ear Training Course
- Titus Awokuse (Food and Resource Economics): Problem Based Learning (PBL) Approach to Teaching International Agricultural Trade and Policy
- Persephone Braham (Foreign Languages and Literatures): SPAN 326 – Latin American Culture and Civilization
- Lesa Griffiths (Center for International Studies): Global Citizenship Certificate Program
- Christine Kydd and John Antil (Business Administration): BUAD100 Introduction to Business for Freshmen
- Carol Krawczyk and Eric Benson (Plant and Soil Sciences): Evaluation of Tablet Computers in Field and Laboratory Settings
- Betsy Perse and Ralph Begleiter (Communication): Broadcast News: Studio Technology Enhancement
- Louis F. Rossi and John A. Pelesko (Mathematical Sciences): Integrated Laboratory Investigations in Math512: Mathematical Modeling
- Lloyd Shorter (Music): Creativity and the Arts: Study of the work of six creative artists featuring live in-class interviews using Internet 2
- Titus Awokuse and Joshua Duke (Food & Resource Economics): Linkages Across the Curriculum: A Bilateral Collaborative Learning Project 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Virginia Bradley, Bill Deering, Vera Kaminski, Rosemary Lane, David Meyer, and Robert Straight (Art): Art as Social Activism 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- George Conrade (Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Management): Hospitality Managerial Accounting Practice Set (MAPS)2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Pam Cummings and Brian Miller (Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management): Humanitarian Hospitality Starts Now!2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Cathy Davies (Animal and Food Science), John Pelesko and Louis Rossi (Mathematical Sciences): Collaborative Learning Between Food Chemistry and Mathematics 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Nancy Getchell (Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences) and Karen Rucker (Center for Disabilities Studies): Using Service Learning to Understand Motor Development: Developing & Implementing a Movement Education Program at the Early Learning Center 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Gerard D. Hoefling and Brian Ackerman (Psychology): Psychology Under Practicum Program 2005 GEI Poster PresentationPsych students learn through service, UDaily, May 23, 2005
- David Hudson, David Barlow, and Robert Neeves (Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences): A Model for Problem Based Learning in Clinical Science Studies 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Elizabeth M. Perse (Communication): Pilot Program for an Oral Communication Fellows Program
- Nancy Targett (Marine Studies): The Oceans 2005 GEI Poster Presentation
- Deborah Andrews and Rebecca Worley (English): Service-Learning Projects for Professional Communication Courses 2006 GEI Poster Presentation
- Kali Kniel and Cathy Davies (Animal and Food Sciences): Teaching Ethics throughout the Food Science Curriculum
- Nancy Lavigne, Liz Pemberton, Roberta Golinkoff (School of Education): In-Service Learning in Elementary Teacher Education 2006 GEI Poster Presentation
- Barbara Lutz (English/Writing Center), David Coker (School of Education), and Christopher Penna (English/Writing Center): Course Design for Advanced Composition with Technology-Enhanced Tutor Outreach
- Cynthia Paris and Lynn Worden (Individual & Family Studies): Moving Field Experiences to Service Learning Opportunities
- Matthew J. Robinson (Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences): Enhancement of Instruction in Theoretical and Applied Ethics in Sport Management 2006 GEI Poster Presentation
- Susan Barton (Plant and Soil Sciences): Plants and Horticulture Revision Final Report
- Eleanor Craig (Economics): Seminar in Public Policy and Economics (Capstone) Final Report
- Dena Deglau (Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences): Pedagogical Analysis of Effective Teaching Behaviors (Capstone) Final Report
- Laura Eisenman (School of Education), Steve Eidelman (Individual and Family Studies), and Jamie Wolfe (Center for Disabilities Studies): Person-Centered Advocacy and the New Professional (Capstone) Final Report
- Ed Freel and Myrna Bair (Institute for Public Administration), Joseph Pika (Political Science and International Relations), and Stephanie McClellan (Leadership, School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy): Leadership in Practical Politics Final Report
- Carla Guerron-Montero (Anthropology): Incorporating Community-Based Learning in Peoples and Cultures of Modern Latin America Final Report
- Robert Hodson and Linda Dion (Biological Sciences) and Dee Baer (English/Writing Center): Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) to Enhance Critical Thinking and Writing in Introductory Biology Laboratory Final Report
- Melissa Ianetta (English) and Dee Baer (Writing Center): Improving Instruction in Critical Thinking in the Second-Level Writing Requirement Mid-Year Report
- Amy Nagorski Johnson and Shelia Cushing (Nursing): Service Learning Project in Australia: Healthcare of Aboriginal People Final Report
- M.A. Muqtedar Khan (Political Science & International Relations): Intermestic Relations of United States and Islam (Capstone) Mid-Year Report
- Delphis Levia, Jr. (Geography): Schistosomiasis and Gold Mining: Two PBL Activities for Conservation of Natural Resources Final Report
- Beth Morling (Psychology): PBL-Based Research Methods Class Final Report
- Penny Rodrick-Williams (Entomology and Wildlife Ecology): Wildlife and Habitat Monitoring in Iron Hill Park Final Report
- C. Buz Swanik and Thomas Kaminski (Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences): Promoting Clinical Reasoning Skills in Athletic Training Students Final Report
- Joseph Weber (Art Conservation): Science Learning for Non-Science Majors
- James Wingrave (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Bridget A. Brennan (School of Education and Mathematics & Science Education Resource Center): Collaborative Introductory Laboratory Activities Final Report
- Jules Bruck and Chad Nelson (Plant and Soil Sciences and Student Multimedia Design Center): Technology-Enhanced Project Archival System Proposal Final Report
- Tony Middlebrooks (Leadership) and Jim Tweedy (Residence Life): Teaching to Lead: Student Leadership on Sustainability Proposal Final Report
- Charles Riordan and Mary Elizabeth Kramer (Chemistry and Biochemistry): Virtual Simulation of Determination of Molar Volume Expt.Proposal
- Louis F. Rossi, Tobin Driscoll and Russell Luke (Mathematical Sciences): Strengthening Mathematics Instruction With Automated Algorithmic Mastery Activities Proposal
- Monika Shafi and Carolyn Bitzer (Women’s Studies): Student Multimedia Design Projects: Going Abroad Proposal Final report
- David C. Wilson (Political Science and International Relations): Applied Quantitative Reasoning through Public Opinion Research: Analyzing Students’ Political Attitudes Proposal Final Report Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3
- James Wingrave (Chemistry & Biochemistry) and Bridget A. Brennan (School of Eduation/ Mathematics & Science Education Resource Center): General Chemistry WorkshopsProposal Final Report Final Rubric
- Lance Winn (Art): ART 416 – explores issues relevant to advancing studio practice and developing a cohesive body of work for BFA exhibitions. Examines implications of pursuing a future in fine arts studio discipline.
- David Blacker (Education): EDUC 470 – examines selected education controversies in their broader philosophical and / or historical contexts. Draws upon and connects ideas from other education courses. Final report
- Bahira Sherif-Trask, Donald Unger, Martha Buell, Lynn Worden, Norma Gaines-Hanks, and Barbara Settles (Human Development & Family Studies): IFST 465 – Human Services / Internship Seminar and IFST 480 – Early Childhood Education / Student Teaching Seminar. Final report
- Persephone Braham (Latin American Studies): LAMS 467 – through intensive study of primary texts and artifacts, students will integrate and focus their knowledge of Latin American cultures across three or more disciplines including political science, literature, history of art, anthropology, history, economics, and geography. Final report and syllabus
- Jack Baroudi, Jon Blue, and Diane Wright (Accounting and MIS): MISY 431 and MISY 432 – All seniors in the MIS major, IS major and MIS minor partiicpate in a six-credit capstone project experience in the spring semester. Studnets are placed in an interdisciplinary consulting team that spends the semester working with an area company to solve a business problem that has a technology solution or component. The courses guide the students through the process of defining, researching, analyzing, recommending, and implementing solutions to the client’s problem or issue.
- Richard Hanley (Philosophy): PHIL 465 – Senior Seminar
- Alvina Quintana and Carolyn Bitzer (Womens’ Studies): WOMS 410: Women’s Studies: Past, Present, and Future. Final report
New Capstone Courses
- Carissa Wickens (Animal & Food Sciences): ANSC 420 – Senior level undergraduates will learn to apply scientific and biological principles to the disciplines of horse production and management. Emphasis will be placed on nutrition, health care, behavior, reproduction, farm management, and the relationship of these areas to the efficient operations of equine enterprises.
- Belinda Orzada and Marsha Dickson (Fashion & Apparal Studies): FASH 480 – Will be a discipline centered course designed to integrate previous knowledge and skills developed across the apparel design curriculum, including course content in social responsibility/sustainability, pattern design methods, apparel construction techniques, computer graphics for visual presentations, and an understanding of textile properties.
- Tim DeSchriver and Susan Hall (Sports Management): HESC 494 – Will be a required course for all sports management majors. The new 9-credit course will be the culminating experience taken by sports management students prior to completion of the degree. The Capstone internship will allow students to apply sports management theory to a practical field experience within the sport industry.
ePortfolio Development
As described in this October 22, 2010 UDaily article, The following programs and departments were awarded funds to implement e-portfolios:
Undergraduate Programs:
- Vicki Cassman (Art Conservation)
- William Ritter and Carmine Balascio (Bioresources Engineering)
- Anu Sivaraman (Business Administration: Marketing)
- Stephen Bernhardt, Rebecca Worley, and Matthew Kinservik (English: Professional Writing Concentration)
- Marsha Dickson (Fashion & Apparel Studies)
- Matthew Robinson and Tim DeSchriver (Sports Management)
- Robert Nelson and Brian Miller (Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Management)
- Bahira Sherif, Donald Unger, and Norma Gaines-Hanks (Human Development & Family Studies)
- Paul Head and Daniel Stevens (Music)
- Lynnette Overby and Meg Meiman (Summer Scholars Program)
Graduate Programs:
- Doug Archbald, Fred Hofstetter, and Kathy Minke (Educational Leadership)
- Marika Ginsburg-Block (School Psychology)
The grant program focused on the development and implementation of programmatic ePortfolios at the undergraduate level. The following programs and departments were awarded funds to implement ePortfolios:
- Janet Hethorn and Colette Gaiter (Art / Visual Communication)
- Deborah Bieler, Jill Ewing Flynn, and Deborah Alvarez (English / English Education)
- Bonnie Robb and Ali Alalou (Foreign Languages & Literatures / Foreign Language Education)
- Persephone Braham (Latin American Studies Program)
- Karen Avino and Kathleen Schell (Nursing)
2011-2012 Grant Recipients – UDaily article, April 3, 2012
- James Atlas (Computer & Information Sciences): CISC 101 Computer Science Principles (Proposal)
- Nancy Getchell and Christopher Modlesky (Kinesiology & Applied Physiology): KAAP 285 Introduction to Research in Health Sciences (Proposal)
- David Wilson (Political Science & International Relations): POSC 419 Foundations of Research in Political Science and International Relations (Proposal)
- Jonathan Justice, Andrea Sarzynsky, and Anthony Middlebrooks (School of Public Policy & Administration): UAPP 325 Public Policy Analysis (Proposal)
- Jessica Schiffman and Jennifer Naccarelli (Women’s Studies): WOMS 313 Theory and Methods in Feminism (Proposal)
2012-2013 Instructional Improvement Grant
- Bruck, Cox, Middlebrooks.(College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; College of Arts and Sciences), $18,000. Design Process Practicum.
- Cubillos, Jorge. (Languages Literatures Cultures), $10,900 to compare the impact of teaching Introductory Spanish in a technology enhanced learning (TEL) hybrid course format to a traditional in-class face-to-face educational experience on student learning outcomes.
- DeSchriver and Oravitz (Business Administration), $6000 to support the development and implementation of Development of Student Professional Presentation Portfolios/Websites for Sport Management Undergraduate Majors project.
- Ellerby and Wilson (Political Science), $17,848. Gateways to Understanding and Analyzing Diversity.
- Pemberton and Overby (Education), $6,000. Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Use Arts Integration in K-12 Core Academic Disciplines.
- Rossi and Schwarzkopf (Mathematical Sciences), $3,200. Flipping the Intro Math Classroom.
- Rossi (Mathematical Sciences), $1,500. Examine the implementation, impact and value of Instructional Assistants (IA) in a flipped Math Class.
- Bieler, Alvarez, Flynn, and Lewis. (School of Education; English), $18,000. Community Based Junior Methods Block in English Education.
- Pelesko, Cai, and Cirillio (Mathematical Sciences), $33,816. Aligning Secondary Math Teacher Ed Programs with the Common Core.
2012-2013 Travel Award
- Cobb, Kelly. Awarded $850.00 to attend the International Textile and Apparel Association conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 14-17, 2012.
- Davis. Awarded $45 to attend the Teaching Poverty 101 workshop in Madison, Wisconsin, June 2-6, 2013.
- Holden. Awarded $1000.00 to attend the Bi-Annual Basic Course Conference and Annual Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, April 24-28, 2013.
2013-2014 Instructional and Transformation Grant Recipients
- Suzanne Burton (Music) & Susan Serra (Service Learning): The Beat Goes On Curriculum and Service Learning Project*
- Sebastian Cioaba (Mathematical Sciences) and Charles Boncelet (Electrical and Computer Engineering): Creating Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Technology Course
- Abigail Clarke-Sather and Thomas Schumacher (Civil Engineering): Integrating Service Learning Modules to Help Students Apply Learning about Sustainability
- Bryan Crissinger (Mathematical Sciences): The Effect of Distributed Practices in Undergraduate Statistic Homework Sites
- Ken Cranker & Scott Duarte (English Language Institute): Multilingual Student Communication Center*
- Jennifer Gallo-Fox, Kathryn Scantlebury, and Elizabeth Soslau (Human Development and Family Studies, Center for Secondary Education, and School of Education): Improving Undergraduate Student teachers’ Reflective, Adaptive, and Metacognitive Practice across the University of Delaware’s Teacher Education Program through Multimedia Approaches*
- Joe Harris (English): Creating, Piloting, and Assessing a English 110 Super Section
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (Biological Sciences) and Jacqueline Fajardo (Chemistry and Biochemistry): Creating Integrated Bio-Chemistry Honors
- Hannah Kim (History): Piloting a performance assessment of student teaching through video recordings and reflections of lessons
- Ellen Monk (Accounting and MIS): Assessing the pedagogical outcomes of a blended learning second-level management information systems class project
- Ashley Pigford (Art): Redesign Art 4-6: Artist’s Machine*
- John Pelesko (Mathematical Sciences): Re-Imaging Foundational Mathematics – The Mathematical Sciences Learning Laboratory*
- Victor Perez (Sociology and Criminal Justice): An Introductory General Education Course in Spatial Thinking and Visualization*
- Kate Scantlebury (Chemistry & Biochemistry): Improving Co-teaching across the University of Delaware’s Teacher Education Programs
- Clinton White (Accounting and MIS): The creation of modularized, online and hands-on hybrid MISY160 Course*
- Harry Wang (Accounting and MIS): Leveraging Learning Analytics to transform teaching and learning at UD*
* Transformation Grants are co-sponsored with Academic Technology Services.
2013-2014 Travel Grants
- Amy Cowperthwait (Nursing): International Nursing Simulation Learning Resource Centers
- Tracey Holden (Communication): Eastern Communication Association Annual Conference
- Ashley Kilmer (Sociology and Criminal Justice): Inside-Out Training Institute
- Guerron Montero (Anthropology): 9th International Conference for e-Learning
- Steven Mortenson (Communication): National Communication Association Conference
- Florence Schmieg (Biological Sciences): Lilly East Spring International Conference
- Jennifer Saylor (Nursing): International Nursing Simulation Learning Resource Centers
- Lydia Timmins (Communication): Broadcast Education Association Conference
- Carolyn White Bartoo (Communication): Educator’s Academy of the Public Relations Student Society of America
- Tanya Whittle (Sociology and Criminal Justice): Inside-Out Training Institute
This RFP was broadly aimed and requested proposals that focused on the creation of new courses, significant revision of existing courses, or integration of innovative pedagogies and/or assessments that support student learning. This round of grants and recipients are described in this July 10, 2014 UDaily article.
- Sebastian Cioaba (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Charles Boncelet (Mathematical Sciences): Creating Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Technology Course
- Abigail Clarke-Sather (Civil Engineering) and Thomas Schumacher (Environmental Engineering): Integrating Service Learning Modules to Help Students Apply Learning about Sustainability
- Bryan Crissinger (Mathematical Sciences): The Effect of Distributed Practices in Undergraduate Statistic Homework Sites
- Joe Harris (English): Creating, Piloting and Assessing an English 110 Super Section
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (Biological Sciences) and Jacqueline Fajardo (Chemistry and Biochemistry): Creating Integrated Bio-Chemistry Honors
- Hannah Kim (History): Piloting a performance assessment of student teaching through video recordings and reflections of lessons
- Ellen Monk (Accounting and MIS): Assessing the pedagogical outcomes of a blended learning second-level management information systems class project
- Kate Scantlebury (Chemistry and Biochemistry): Improving Co-teaching across the University of Delaware’s Teacher Education Programs
2014-2015 Transformation, CAT, and Engaging Difference Grant Recipients
- Nigel Caplan, Ken Cranker, & Scott Duarte (English Language Institute): Multilingual Student Communication Center
- Chrystalla Mouza (School of Education), Lori Pollock (Computer & Info Sciences), & Zoubedia Dagher (School of Education): Bringing Computational Thinking to GenEd
- Joseph Harris & Christine Cucciarre (English): Developing a Process for the Formative Assessment of Teaching
- Jeremy Crenshaw & Todd Royer (Kinesiology & Appl Physiology): Physical Activity Monitoring as a Source for Engaged Learning
Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT):
- Melissa Melby (Anthropology)
- Joel Best (Sociology)
- Beth Morling (Psychology & Brain Sciences)
- Kelly Cobb (Fashion & Apparel Studies)
- Christine Cucciarre (English)
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (Biological Sciences)
- Banjo Oriade (Physics & Astronomy)
- Nina Straitman (Linguistics & Cognitive Science)
- Jackie Fajardo (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Martha Carothers (Art)
- Dawn Berk (Mathematical Sciences)
Engaging Difference:
- Rosalie Dow (College of Education)
- Jessica Edwards (English)
- Jill Flynn (English)
- Jennifer Graber (Nursing)
- Stefanie Hansen (Theatre)
- Lindsay Hoffman (Communication)
- Caitlin Larracey (English)
- Claire McCabe (English)
- Oyenike Olabisi (Biological Sciences)
- Hannah Kim (History)
- Delice Williams (English)
2014-2015 Travel Grants
- Jill Flynn (English): The National Council of Teachers of English 2014 Annual Convention, Washington DC
- Tracey Holden (Communication): Eastern Communication Association Annual Convention in Providence, RI
- Lydia Timmins (Communication): Broadcast Education Association Annual Conference – Top Teaching Tips
- Elizabeth Soslau (Education): AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
- Christopher Nichols (Music): International Clarinet Association’s ClarinetFest 2015, Madrid Spain
- Abby Donovan (Art): &NOW 201, Blast Radius: Writing and the Other Arts in Valencia, CA
- Jennifer Nauen (Biology): Biology Leadership Conference, Austin TX
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (ISE): Gordon Research Conference, Lewiston, ME
- Zoubeida Dagher (School of Education): Philosophy of Science in Practice th Biennial Conference, Arrhus, Denmark
- Tony Middlebrooks (School of Public Policy and Administration): 17th Annual ILA (International Leadership Association) Global Conference
- Kimberly Graves (Chemistry & Biochemistry): Project Kaledoscope Summer Leadership Institute, Adamstown, MD
- Jacqueline Fajardo (Biology): HHMI/National Academics Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education in Biology.
- Dustyn Roberts (Mechanical Engineering): Annual meeting of the ASEE, June 14-17, 2015.
- Julie Bruck (Plant & Soil Sciences): Chicago, IL to attend the American Society ofLandscape Architect’s annual meeting, Nov 6-9-2015
Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) pilot:
In Spring of 2015, a group of UD faculty piloted the CAT and used it to develop course-related activities to deepen their students’ critical thinking skills.
- Joel Best (Sociology)
- Beth Morling (Psychology & Brain Sciences)
- Kelly Cobb (Fashion & Apparel Studies)
- Alden Snell (Music)
- Nina Straitman (Linguistics & Cognitive Science)
- Melissa Melby (Anthropology)
- Christine Cucciarre (English)
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (Biological Sciences)
- Banjo Oriade (Physics & Astronomy)
- Nina Straitman (Linguistics & Cognitive Science)
- Jackie Fajardo (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
- Martha Carothers (Art)
- Dawn Berk (Mathematical Sciences)
Faculty Learning Community (FLC):
This Faculty Learning Community met monthly during the academic year to develop approaches to combining online and face-to-face teaching strategies for their courses.
- Ellen Monk (B&E Accounting & MIS)
- Jennifer Clair Nauen (Biological Sciences)
- Amanda Jansen (Education)
- Lynnette Overby (Theatre)
- Chris Penna (English)
- Asima Saad Maura (FLL-Spanish)
- Dustyn Roberts (ME)
Engaging Difference:
Eleven faculty from various departments worked together to understand and apply culturally inclusive teaching strategies. They attended special sessions of the Faculty Summer Institute in June 2015, modified syllabi and pedagogical approaches during the summer, and met monthly over the academic year to share and learn from their adjustments.
- Rosalie Dow (College of Education)
- Jessica Edwards (English)
- Jill Flynn (English)
- Jennifer Graber (Nursing)
- Stefanie Hansen (Theatre)
- Lindsay Hoffman (Communication)
- Caitlin Larracey (English)
- Claire McCabe (English)
- Oyenike Olabisi (Biological Sciences)
- Hannah Kim (History)
- Delice Williams (English)
2015-2016 Transformation Grant
- Jorge Cubillos: Faculty Syllabus Toolkit
- Sarah Rooney: Connecting Theoretical Concepts to Physical Phenomena Using 3D Printed Microfludic Devices
- Harry Wang: Understanding and improving Teaching and Learning at UD using LMS Clickstream Data: A process mining approach
- Michael O’Neal: Geotechnology Education Laboratory
- Danielle Dixon Durham, Agnes Ly, and Martha Carothers: Creating Children’s Books for a Capstone Experience
- Jill Ewing Flynn, Rosalie Rolon-Down, and Lynn Worden: Racial Literacy and Education: Phase Two
- Elizabeth Orsega-Smith: Connecting Generations Aging Adults and College Students
- Mark Serva: Uconnected – Facilitating Collaboration by Creating a UD Social Network Platform
- Shanshan Ding: Improving Problem-Based and Interactive Learning Using the Lecturing with Learning Assistance Model.
- Agnes Ly and Phil Duker: Searchable Repository for Empirically – Supported Classroom Pedagogical Techniques
2015-2016 Travel Grants Recipients
- Dylan Audette (ISLL): Drexel University Assessment Conference in Philadelphia, PA
- Banjo Oriade (Physics, ISLL): 2016 Physics Research & Education, June 5- 10, 2016 Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
- Kelly Cobb, (Fashion and Apparel Studies): Sustainable Apparel Product Development Training + PBL pilot at Reebok’s Headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts
- Joshua Enszer (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering): ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition, June 26-29, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Jill Ewing Flynn (English): American Educational Research Association meeting, April 8-12, 2016 in Washington, D.C.
- Elizabeth Soslau (Education): American Educational Research Association meeting, April 8-12, 2016 in Washington, D.C.
- Adriana Gore (Fashion and Apparel Studies): Teaching Functional Apparel Design Workshop, July 11-15, 2016 at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY
- Belinda Orzada (Fashion and Apparel Studies): Teaching Functional Apparel Design Workshop, July 11-15, 2016 at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY
- Kimberly S. Graves (Chemistry & Biochemistry): Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, July 31-August 4, 2016, sponsored by the American Chemical Society at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO
- Tracey Quigley Holden (Communications): National Communication Association (NCA) Annual Convention, November 18-23, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV
- Sheng Lu (Fashion and Apparel Studies): Case Method Teaching Seminar, March, 2016, in Boston, MA
- Ellen Monk (Accounting and MIS): Vancouver Island Team-Based Learning Institute at Vancouver Island University (VIU)’s Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, May 17-19, 2016 in Vancouver Island, Canada
- Mark Serva (Management Information Systems): Vancouver Island Team-Based Learning Institute at Vancouver Island University (VIU)’s Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, May 17-19, 2016 in Vancouver Island, Canada
- Diane L. Wright (Management Information Systems): Vancouver Island Team-Based Learning Institute at Vancouver Island University (VIU)’s Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, May 17-19, 2016 in Vancouver Island, Canada
- Christina M. Wesolek (ISLL): Conservation Psychology Institute, June 12-15, 2016 in Keene, New Hampshire
- Anna Wik (Landscape Design): Permaculture Teacher Training for Women: Honoring the Principle of Diversity, August 21-26, 2016 at The Omega Institute for Sustainable Living, Rhinebeck, NY
- Lynn J. Worden (Human Development and Family Studies): National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Conference, June 5-8, 2016 in Baltimore, MD
- Dawn Berk (Mathematical Sciences): Attend PKAL Summer Leadership Institute in Adamstown, MD
- Karl Unruh (Physics and Astronomy): TOPAS software package in Madison, WI
2016-2017 CTAL Scholar
- Kelebogile Setiloane (BHAN)
- Emily Davis (ENGL)
- Dion Chanele Moore (PARA)
2016-2017 Large Class Quizzes
- Valery Roy (Engineering)
- Dustyn Roberts (Engineering)
- Alexandre Abdoulaev (Music)
- Kyle McCarthy (Entomology and Wildlife Ecology)
- Jennifer Naccarelli (Women & Gender Studies)
2016-2017 Peer Observation Program
- Mark Serva (B&E Accounting & MIS)
- Beth Morling (Psychological & Brain Sciences)
- Terry Harvey (Computer & Info Sciences)
- Hannah Kim (History)
- Chanele Moore (Associate in Arts Program)
- Julianna Butler (Economics)
- Joshua Enszer (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)
- Jennifer Naccarelli (Women & Gender Studies)
- Carmine Balascio (Plant & Soil Science)
- Sunita Chandrasekaran (Computer & Info Sciences)
2016-2017 Transformation Grant
- Michael Mackenzie (Behavioral Health & Nutrition): Mindfulness in Education, Teaching, Assessment & Learning (METAL)
- Julia Bayuk Beleyavsky (Business Administration): Helping Lerner Students Find Their Path at UD and Beyond: A Revision of BUAD 110 Curriculum
- Karen Assenvage (English Language Institute): Teaching International Students Video Project
2016-2017 Travel Grants Recipients
- Lydia Timmins (Communication): April 21-26, 2017 Broadcast Education Association conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Mellissa Gordon (Human Development and Family Science): June 12-13, 2017 Teaching Family Science Conference: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Family Science on Paradise Island, Bahamas
- Kathryn Berkow (B&E Accounting and MIS): May 16-18, 2017 Team-Based Learning Course Design Institute at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada
- Dylan Audette (ISLL): July 9-14 2017 Gordon Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research in Easton, Massachusetts
- Anne Terrell (ISLL): July 23 – 28 2017 “Making Meaning through Modeling” 2017 Conference at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan
- Seth Hunt(ISLL): July 23 – 28 2017 “Making Meaning through Modeling” 2017 Conference at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan
2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grants
- Ann M. Aviles: Project Based Learning and CBO Collaboration as Critical Tools for Student Learning: Cultivating Advocacy and Action to Support the Needs of Families and Communities in Delaware
- Julia Bayuk: BUAD 100 – A course revision – Increasing relevancy to the world of business and addressing general education while decreasing student costs
- Sujata K. Bhatia: Mindfulness for Inclusivity and Learning Enhancement (MILE): A Faculty Learning Community (FLC)
- Julies Bruck: Evaluate, enhance and assess graphic communication skills in landscape architecture
- Martha Carothers: Undergraduate Student Collaboration in Special Collections
- Sebastian Cioaba: Entrepreneurial Leadership: Open Educational Resources for Cross-College Engagement
- Andrea Grim: Implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) into the Flipped Classroom
- Barry Joyce: HIST316: Connecting UD campuses through Civic Engagement; Past, Present and Future
- Stephanie Kerschbaum: Scholarly Teaching in a small group
- Rusty Lee: Rubrics and Evaluation Standards for e-Portfolios as Capstones
- Sheng Lu: Adopt the EDITED Database in Fashion Merchandising Courses to Develop Students’ Quantitative Reasoning, Business Analytics, and Critical Thinking Skills
- Barret Michalec: Interprofessional Education Faculty Learning Community (IPE FLC)
- Anthony Middlebrooks: Entrepreneurial Leadership: Open Educational Resources for Cross-College Engagement
- Claire O’Neal: Developing a comprehensive, custom e-workbook to engage GEOL115 lab students
- Dustyn Roberts: FLC (E^2)T: A Faculty Learning Community on Effective (and Efficient) Teaching
- Patricia Sloane-White: Women and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum
2017-2018 Travel Grants
- Amy Biddle (Animal Health and Food Sciences): National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics: 10 year Anniversary Meeting at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas, June 4-6, 2018
- Martha Carothers (Art & Design): 34th National Conference of the Beginning Design Student, Cincinnati, OH, March 1-3, 2018
- Jessica Edwards (English): College Language Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois on April 4-7, 2018
- Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic (Biology): Plant Biology 2018 workshop at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, July 14-18, 2018
- Nike Olabisi (Biological Sciences): Diversity, Learning and Student Success, AACU Conference in San Diego, California, March 22-24, 2018
- Chanele Moore (Associate in Arts Program): Lilly Conference – Designing Effective Teaching in Bethesda, MD, May 31 – June 3, 2018.
- Annie Renzetti (Animal Health and Food Sciences): National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics: 10 year Anniversary Meeting at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas, June 4-6, 2018
- Sarah Rooney (Biomedical Engineering): American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24-27th, 2018
- Suresh Sundaram (Business Administration): UK Sales Educator Academy in Birmingham, UK, May 15-17, 2018
- Christopher Trimby (Biological Sciences): American Physiological Society 2018 Institute on Teaching & Learning in Madison, Wisconsin, June 18-22, 2018
- Tracy Quan (Language, Literature & Cultures): American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 2018
Convention & World Languages Expo, New Orleans, LA, November 16-18, 2018
2017-2018 Transformation Grant
- Christine Cucciarre
- James Jones
2017-2018 CTAL Scholars
- Emily Davis
- D Chanele Moore
- Kelebogile Setiloane
2017-2018 Reduce DFW Pilot
- Elizabeth Leary
- Alexia Mintos
- Emily Rowe
2017-2018 Peer Mentor Grant
- Alexia Mintos
- Emly Rowe
2018-2019 Instructional Improvement Grants
- Bob Hampel (School of Education): Less is More: Streamlining a History of Education Lecture course
- Kristen Begosh (Psychological & Brain Sciences): Is a Picture Better than a Thousand Words?
- Theodore Davis (Political Science & International Relations): Restructuring a Topics in Urban Politics Course
- Kristen Wiens (Behavioral Health & Nutrition): Development of an Inter-professional Culinary Medicine Course
- Julia Bayuk (Business Administration): Creating Consistency in BUAD110: Basics of Business
- Sarah Rooney (Biomedical Engineering): Evidence-based teaching and mentoring practices for inclusion and diversity in engineering
- Tanis, Song and Hong (Biological Sciences): Development of a discover-based research laboratory course using model organisms.
- Trimby, DeVito, Daly (Biological Sciences): Development of an Integrated Interdisciplinary module for Integrated BISC207 / CHEM107
- Paul Jackson (Geography): Mapping Pain – Producing Empathy and Perspective Taking in Large Lectures
- William Chain (Chemistry & Biochemistry): CHEM331H/CHEM332H A New and Unconventional Sophomore Organic Chemistry Course Sequence
- Jaehee Jung (Fashion & Apparel Studies): Development of Open Educational Resources for FASH430
- Vikramadtya Thakur (Anthropology): Revising the course, Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology
- Belinda Orzada (Fashion & Apparel Studies): Re-envision: Enhancing Spatial Skills of Apparel Design Students
- Moltchanov & Quan (Languages Literatures Cultures): Introduction to World Language Learning
2018-2019 Re-engineering Large Introductory Classes (ReLIC) Grant
- Fouad Kiamilev (Electrical & Computer Engineering)Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Proposal for 2018 ReLIC Grant
- Claire O’Neal (Professional & Continuing Studies): A Redesign of GEOL110: Earth’s Evolving Systems
- Katie Wassil (Computer & Information Sciences): Re-engineering General Computer Science for Engineers
- Ellerby & Oskooii (Political Science & International Relations): Engaging Diversity in Political Science
- Chris Raymond (Mathematical Sciences): Enhancing Persistence and Success in First Semester Calculus
2018-2019 Open Educational Resources Grant (partnership with UD Library)
- Vikram Thakur (Anthropology) Revising the course, Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology, ANTH101
2018-2019 Travel Grant
- Sara Bebee (Nursing): 2019 International Nursing Association for Simulation & Learning (INACSL) Conference, Phoenix, AZ, June 19-22, 2019
- Joanne Creasy Thomas (Nursing): 2019 International Nursing Association for Simulation & Learning (INACSL) Conference, Phoenix, AZ, June 19-22, 2019
- Heiddy DiGregorio (Nursing): 2019 International Nursing Association for Simulation & Learning (INACSL) Conference, Phoenix, AZ, June 19-22, 2019
- Beatrice Gaynor (Nursing): National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) 45th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 4-6, 2019
- Jennifer Lobasz (Political Science and International Relations): Joint International Teaching and Learning Conference 2019 on Teaching Politics in an Era of Populism, Brighton, England, June 17-19, 2019
- Jenifier Pugliese (Physical Therapy): Team Based Learning Collaborative Annual Conference in Tamp, FL, March 15-16, 2019
- Eric Sisofo (Math Education): Mathodology Lesson Study, Middletown, DE, April 10-12, 2019
- Stephanie Raible (Human Development and Family Studies/Horn Entrepreneurship): The Annual Conference of the United State Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), St. Pete’s Beach, FL, January 23-27, 2019.
- Lauren Reynolds (Music): International Conducting Studies Conference 2019, Sydney, Australia, July 27 – August 5, 2019
2019-2020 Instructional Improvement Grants
- Renee Dong (Languages, Literatures, Cultures): Streamlining National Standards, Program Outcomes and Learner-Centered Assessments in World Language Teaching
- Jill Flynn (English): Racial Literacy in Elementary Teacher Education
- Monique Head (Civil & Environmental Engineering): Development of Practical Case Studies Into an Existing Structural Analysis Course
- Tara Leonard (Behavioral Health & Nutrition): Multimedia Production Flips the Classroom for Health Coaches in Training
- Pinki Mondal (Geography): Training a new pool of teaching assistants using Open Educational Resources for a new course in Geospatial Data Science
- Kristin Wiens (Behavioral Health & Nutrition): Addressing Campus Hunger: A Food Pantry Service Learning Course
- Anna Wik (Plant and Soil Science): Design Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community
2019-2020 Open Educational Resources Grant (partnership with UD Library)
- Eric Greska and Sheara Williamson (Kinesiology & Applied Physiology) Resurrecting Anatomy and Physiology: Bringing Pedagogy Back to Life for Student Success
- Anu Sivaraman (Business & Economics): Open Textbook Enhancement for Undergraduate Marketing Course
2019-2020 Re-engineering Large Introductory Classes (ReLIC) Grant
- Jon Cox and Aaron Terry (Art and Design): Media Design Culture: Flipped Learning
- Eric Greska and Sheara Williamson (Kinesiology & Applied Physiology) Resurrecting Anatomy and Physiology: Bringing Pedagogy Back to Life for Student Success
- Jens Schubert (Economics): Employing Behavioral Economics to Improve Student Learning and Persistence in Introductory Economics Courses