Faculty Perspectives on Documenting Your Teaching
In the Spring of 2023, 17 faculty from across UD participated in a Professional Learning Community titled: Documenting Engaged Teaching. These faculty worked collaboratively to produce resources for our UD faculty that highlight innovative ways to present engaged teaching within the context of a teaching dossier. Some of their work is embedded within this page. We have organized all of their work within the linked pages below. These pages include:
Faculty may select from a large body of potential evidence to demonstrate effectiveness in teaching. In the three resource pages below, our faculty explored three sources of evidence for engaged teaching that can be highly impactful for readers of your dossier: mentoring and peer observations of teaching, annotated student work, and evidence of effective course design outside of the syllabus.
- Mentoring and Peer Observation
- Annotating and Sharing Student Work
- Evidence of Course Design Beyond the Syllabus*
* denotes resources authored in Google Docs and links lead directly to these Docs.
The participants in this PLC were: Christina Budde, Amy Bustin, Alex De Rosa, Michele DePhillips, Heather Farmer, Elizabeth Fournier, Stasie Harrington, Alyssa Lanzi, Adebanjo Oriade, Nina Owczarek, Stephanie Raible, Kate Riera, Elizabeth Sargeant, Tara Smith, Caroline Swift, Ana Whitaker.